Friday, May 22, 2009

Spectating Must Haves

As I look forward to a season of spectating and volunteering at races it's time to mention some of those must have items. Magazines run these type of filler articles all the time, is it wrong to do that on your blog?

The picture in this post was taken at the Splash & Dash on Tues night. For those of you who aren't from Austin, you can learn more about this popular Austin event at BTW, don't forget to sign up early for June because the event is getting pretty popular.

Michelle L and I are showing you a few things you'll need to spectate and volunteer at your next event.

First, you'll need some hydration; water bottle, can of soda, or whatever you can get a hold of. Since I'm pregnant I've decided to carry about 80 mL around with me to all events. (BTW, I'll have this with me to watch the Cap TX Tri on Monday).

Next, you'll want something to protect your eyes from the sun. Hats, visors, and sunglasses are good for that.

Keeping cool is also a necessity, Michelle and I both opted for some dryfit shirts. Note, mine is currently hanging from my Camelpak since I've decided to show off my huge belly.

Which brings me to the last essential of spectating, sunblock. Michelle L is showing off the built-in type of sunblock, dark skin. For those of you who happen to be unlucky enough to have pale skin and grow up in areas with 300 days of overcast per year, I'd recommend SPF 40+ for every occasion. Without the correct skin protection you might end up looking like Magda by the end of the summer.