Thursday, June 11, 2009

Don't cry over spilled coffee

It seems that coffee is one of those things you either do or don't do. Michael and I are among the people that don't do coffee. We have no coffee maker in the house although we often seem to have house guests who enjoy their daily cup. No worries, I can easily give them directions to nearby coffee establishment.

As a segue, our house guest for Cap TX works at a coffee shop and apparently has skills in latte art, along with his skills in triathlon. Although I don't appreciated the Latte, I do think the art is pretty impressive.

Back to my post...

My mother is a coffee drinker. She's among those house guests who looks for her coffee in the morning. When she's visiting she walks 1.5 miles to Starbucks to get it. But, when she was pregnant she didn't like the smell of it. My grandmother reported the same thing. She said it was horrible to fix my grandfather's coffee every morning.

About half the people working at the shop drink coffee and sometimes have a cup of the Java stuff in the morning. Although I think the disposable coffee cups are a huge waste and poorly designed, they are quite popular and have not been outlawed in the shop. That's unlucky for me because I have become a bit of a clutz lately and knocked one over yesterday without even noticing it.

I realized what had happened when the smell of coffee made me feel sick and I looked down to see 24 oz of brown liquid all over the shop floor. NASTY! I ventured to the bathroom and collected a huge pile of paper towels to soak up the smelly liquid below. I must have had a revolted face on as I piled the towels on the ground and pushed them around with my shoe. Lukily Meredith was in the shop at the time and offered to help me clean up the mess, instantly realizing my displeasure with the situation.

Sometimes the little things are appreciated more than you realize. A big thanks to everyone who has helped me out in little ways lately, giving advice to questions, reaching something above my head, or listening to my useless banter.

Thank you Meredith for helping me clean up the mess!


meredith said...

My pleasure and any time :)