Thursday, March 19, 2009

Morning (aka "All Day") Sickness

Morning sickness seems to be one of the most glorified aspects of early pregnancy... or maybe I should say most horrifying aspect of early pregnancy.

A lot of people ask how I've been feeling or tell me stories of what they endured. Contrary to popular belief, it seems there are a lot more women who don't toss their breakfast every day. Don't be fooled by this, not throwing up is very different from not feeling morning sickness.

I've been feeling it since early January. As I drive to swim practice my stomach is usually in a horrible state but luckily that seems to be less obvious while I'm exercising aerobically. There are a few references which suggest exercise is one way to decrease morning sickness, good news for me. The bad news for me is that the natious feeling lingers for a while. There are some days when I feel sick to my stomach all day and I often feel worse after dinner.

Today was quite possibly my worst day yet. It seems that I have been attacked by some local airborne allergens. The entire day was a haze of feeling bad and horrible. I tried my best to hide it although I believe a few people figured me out.

I just tried a sinus flush for the first time. It's a strange thing to do but quite similar to the way I feel when I try to swim in the ocean. For some reason I always seem to catch waves at the wrong time and flush that salt water through my system. I'm hoping the sinus flush works, I'm not enjoying the extra discomfort.

Another pregnancy rumor relates to when the morning sickness subsides. I've heard you're in the clear after the first trimester. Unfortuntely, I also just heard a story of someone who dealt with it her entire pregnancy. This is when I hope the exercise decreases symptoms theory is on my side. I'd love to gain back my motivation to work out.


Summer said...

I had it the WHOLE pregnancy. Exercise helped a little. Keeping stuff in my tummy helped a little. I finally ended up on anti-nausea meds which I took from 8 weeks to delivery.